Sunday, June 29, 2008

Kris, Dave and the lumps: Chemo #3, week 3

Sorry for being remiss... to catch up:

Thursday, 26-June-2008:
Saw a new PA for Dr. Moran. Since Kris' hands are still a bit red and certainly sore, not to mention that she's only mostly regular, the decision was to not restart Xeloda. Of more concern was the fact that her white blood cell count was down to about 500. Somewhere in the ballpark of 10,000 is normal. Based on that, her temperature being about 95.7 and the fact that the port wound still hasn't closed, they put her on another antibiotic course (Levaquin this time). We will see them again next Tuesday (July 1st) and get an update at that point. Based on the timing, we don't expect to do Xeloda at all during this cycle.

Friday, 27-June-2008:
Kris went and saw the surgeons PA for her wound again... as before, they were rather ho-hum about it as there really isn't anything they can do but watch and react if she gets an infection... so, we will see them again in two weeks... since the following Friday is the 4th.

Kris' spirits are more 'up' than they have been. The Xeloda is really that taxing for her and being off of it is really that much of a relief.

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