Saturday, December 25, 2010

Fwd: Kris, Dave, and the Lumps: Chemo round 4, Cycle 5

Sorry Duane, had an email address snafu... almost lost yours but it's fixed now... well, until the next snafu. :)


Anything can be accomplished with the will to do so... nothing can be accomplished without it!
"...the blank sheets are IBM property, but they do serve the purpose of keeping execs busy trying to understand them." - Kilroy
"Do not come in early! Do not stay late! There WILL be overtime!" IBM Manager BCRS
In reply to the question 'how can we get along' an IBM manager replied: "I would not change any decisions I've made in the past two years, I am not changing, I am not going anywhere, deal with it!", obviously a woman of compassion.