Friday, November 26, 2010

Kris, Dave and the Lumps: Chemo Round 4, cycle 3 and 4

Friday, October 1st Chemo, nothing spectacular (which is good news).  Ongoing issues with nose bleeds and we have titrated the issues with constipation.  Still working on the issues with constipation after the treatment but we think we have a line on it… taking a Senekot early in the day, and one before the treatment, then one the next day.


Saturday, October 2nd Ok, too much Senekot, need to cut back.


Monday, October 4th Parb-inhibitor and again, everything went without a hitch.    This marks the end of cycle 3


Cycle Four:


Friday, October 15th Full Chemo again today.  Blood pressure keeps cruising downward and the Dr. is halving Kris’ dose of anti-hypertensive drugs.  She’s noticed that she gets nose bleeds starting a few days after the infusion and lasting until about 4 days after the round is done.  Nothing major, just annoying.


Monday, October 18th Kris noticed her scalp aching over the weekend but we have no evidence of hair falling out… waiting and watching.  The only real issue is the clash between timing on this, winter (so I can’t right the bike as much) and the chemo schedule.  We’ve been doing the treatments at the end of the day, both to avoid losing time at work and so that I can attend as much as possible between volunteering at the high school and my evening class.  Unfortunately, with winter coming on we need to figure out how to manage logistics so we can both get to where we need to be when we need to be there.


Friday, October 22nd Full Chemo again and everything is going smoothly.  At this point Dr. Moran just had us stop the Anti-Hypertensives as Kris’ blood pressure is back to normal levels (or lower).  We think we have the constipation figured out at this point.  One Senekot just before treatment seems to do the trick and keep things… ahem… flowing nicely.


Next cycle will be shifted to starting Monday then going Thursday-Monday-Thursday as Thanksgiving got in the way.


Don’t forget: for all of your catching up needs… yes, I’ve noticed it’s again infected with adds from folks I know nothing about.  I’m clearing them out with fair frequency and asking the administration to help get rid of this.


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