Thursday 16 Sep 2010
Got word that we were accepted into the trial.
Thursday 23 Sep 2010
Due to scheduling constraints we had to have our Dr’s visit today though the first infusion is tomorrow. Everything seems go though Kris still has issues with her tongue from the Ixempra in the last bout.
Friday 24 Sep 2010
First infusion went well though there was some confusion about needing tests… they’d been done with the Dr’s visit on Thursday. Because it’s a trial, they took Kris’ vitals before the infusion, BP, heart rate, temp. Then again after the infusion. We were alarmed because her BP was 120-ish over 70-ish the day before, and after the infusion it was 140-ish over 95 (or there about). The nurse consulted with the Dr. and his take was ‘wait and see’. Long and short is that it’s not an immediate concern but something we need to monitor. Kris also complained about body aches and tiredness, basically flu like symptoms. This is one of the side effects that are normal for this course of drugs but it’s not pleasant. When we went home we just laid down on the couch and rested.
Saturday 25 Sep 2010
Kris feels fine so the flu-like symptoms are not pleasant but aren’t lingering either.
Monday 27 Sep 2010
With this treatment, Kris has infusions Fri-Mon-Fri-Mon then a week off and repeat so, back at the Cancer center. The nice thing is that it’s Panera Bread day on Mondays. A local Panera bread donates quite a bit of bread to the cancer center so Kris took a loaf of raisin bread (and snuck off with a load and a small baguette for class). Infusion went well save that again, her BP shot up. This time the nurse brought around an old fashioned cuff and checked it and rather than being in the 140s over 90s, it was 130s over high 70s, or something close to it. Long and short is that we think the new fangled machine which is nicely automated is running a bit high. Also the flu like symptoms were pretty bad again this time.
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