Monday 6-Oct-2008
Met with Dr. Kuisle. He's pleased with Kris recovery from the preoperative procedure but, said that based on her pain, she's going to need some kind of narcotic after the surgery. We discussed which medications had caused problems in the past (Vicodin, Oxycontin, etc) and which had seemed to work well (Demerol, Morphine, aspirin)... based on that, he's going to try Delaudin (I think that's how they are spelled). I know that drug packs my head to bursting with cotton! We'll see how Kris fairs.
Spirits are as up as they can be given that she's in pain. Granted, she's not taking very little pain medications at this point and generally she's ok... but, she walks/stands with a minor stoop to relieve tension on her lower stomach area and if she makes a sudden move, she gets pain there. Also, if she stretches that area (leans back), it burns. Normally this would have me worried, but, they are going to work on that area again Friday, so, there's no real sense in doing physical therapy for 3 days.
Friday the original plan was for us to go to Dr. Kuisle's office at 0730 before the surgery at Boulder Community Hospital in Boulder Colorado... yes, there's a reason I'm being so specific... but, Dr. Kuisle pointed out that we are not doing a sentinel node biopsy so we don't have the normal 2 to 4 hour prep the day of the surgery and our procedure is scheduled for 1pm... which is a big 'ugh' given that you know they will require fasting before the procedure! Dr. Kuisle sent us to the hospital to check with them for preoperative blood tests and for the time they really want us there.
So, we went by the hospital and found that normally they call and make an appointment for pre-procedure testing and evaluation 2 weeks out! Not sure why we didn't get any such calls. Made an appointment for 1330 (1:30 pm) on Wednesday which will include blood tests and asking us what medications Kris is on, what to do the day of, shaking of hands, nodding of heads, all followed by lunch! Ie: not a lot which is really useful, but, it's required. We also found out that she needs to be at the hospital by 1130.
Went back to Dr. Kuisles office and he said to be there at 1030... he needs to draw a diagram on Kris for the surgeons (Dr. Jones and himself) to follow.
Ok, why was I specific about the hospital above? To let y'all know that that's where she'll be come Friday. She'll stay there three or four days, which means we'll leave Sunday or Monday. I asked to have her put on the directory so if you want to call and chat, you can call the hospital and get forwarded to her room. Normally I wouldn't do that, but, with her being there for several days, it seemed to make sense.
Recovery will be a pain... at least, judging by the recovery from the pre-operative procedure to prepare for the Tram Flap! However, I almost expect it to be a bit easier since I expect Kris will be on pain medications when she starts the physical therapy... which means that I'm hoping she'll be stretching those muscles out while he pain is well under control... which will make it easier... at least, that's my hope. The worst part about things right now is hearing Kris gasp, or seeing her writhe, in pain and not being able to do anything but... well, stand by. It's really frustrating to me, at times like these and only times like these, that Kris can't stand to be stoned... this aversion is so strong that she won't do pain medications and will suffer instead. Don't get me wrong, she definitely tries to find a happy middle ground where she's not in pain nor too stoned. However, there are times when I think it'd be nice if she'd just relax, float a little and, as several nurses have said, 'get on top of the pain' so that it's not an issue. The real irony here is that Kris thinks she's a wimp... introduce me to a wimp who would rather have pain that be stoned... I don't think there is such an animal! Fact is, Kris is quite tough! She just doesn't want to admit to it. :)
Thanks to all of you for: Afghans, cards, wonderful big soup mugs with flowers in them, calls, Afghans, emails with well wishes, stupendous notes of support, care packages and general well wishes... we're still hanging in there and things are looking good!
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