Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Kris, Dave and the Lumps: Round Three, Chemo #8

2009-Dec-31 Thursday
We went in and got Kris her Chemo. No change to her blood thinners as her
I and R (clotting rate) were within the range they want. We had to do the
infusion on Thursday since Friday was a holiday and we had Kris' dad,
Gerry, along for the right. Better still, the infusions are down to about
an hour so it's much easier than the six hour infusions we've been doing up
until now.

2010-Jan-1 Friday
Kris had a headache all day long. She basically decided to do caffeine to
keep the option of doing a Darvocet open in case this turned out to be a
full blown migraine. Her tolerance for spice is also very low right now.
Basically, even using the special mouthwash she got is on the bleeding edge
of not tolerable due to how 'spicy' it is for her. Her tongue is, well,
raw. Her fingers are also not happy. We are hoping that this will subside
as the Ixempra flushes out of her system. Avastin, the drug she will be on
until May or June, is not supposed to have the side effects that Ixempra
does. All in all, though, things are going well and her spirits are up.