Went in for Chemo, sleepy. I actually dozed off reading to Kris in the Drs
office while waiting for him to arrive. Apparently I was tired enough that
Kris observed if she hadn't known better, she'd think I was drunk for
slurring my words. :) I then proceeded to really doze off while talking
with Kris and Dr Moran! The issues were her Migraine on Thanksgiving, the
tingling in her fingers and the twitching of her left eye. Dr. Moran is
convinced that the finger sensitivity and eye twitching are all in keeping
with the Ixempra and today is the last dose of that drug. He stated that
the Migraine is more likely an effect of the anti-nausea medication they
give when giving the infusion each time. He switched to a different
medication for at least this round. Her spirits were up for the infusion
and she even managed to drop a few cards and dice, though we didn't have to
shock the nurses by scuttling about for them. Because of my being so
tired, she insisted that I occupy a chair and distress the other patience
by snoring loudly at them... then she insisted on driving home! Yeah,
she's tougher than I am. :)
2009-Dec-13, Sunday
When I got home from work (in the ball park of 9 am for those that don't
know my schedule) Kris was up and about and generally functioning well but,
she rapidly slowed down. By noon she was achy and complaining and I talked
her into taking a Darvocet. Then I went out and got Pizza since we didn't
feel like cooking. By the time we were done eating, and watching an
episode of CSI she was feeling better (about 2:30 pm, half an hour after my
bedtime). When I got up tonight she was watching America Speaks and doing
ok but she was quite run down. Here's hoping tomorrow things are going